jurnal nasional oleh Marsha Rayfa Pintary, Arief S. Kartasasmita, Juliati Juliati 2016
Tag: althea medical journal
Characteristics of Patient with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Underwent Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors Injection in Cicendo Eye Hospital, Bandung in January–December 2013
One Year Data of New Secondary Glaucoma Patients at Top Referral Eye Hospital in Indonesia
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Elka Rifqah, Elsa Gustianty, Ihrul Prianza Prajitno 2017
Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma in the National Eye Center, Cicendo Eye Hospital, January–October 2012
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Rizki Fasa Ramdhani, Elsa Gustianty, Fenny Dwiyatnaningrum 2012
Visual Acuity of Patients after NeodymiumYttrium-Aluminium-Garnet Laser at Cicendo Eye Hospital
Jurnal Nasional oleh Lee Pei Yie, Budiman Budiman, Ihrul Prianza Prajitno 2016
Characteristics of eye tumor in children diagnosed at the national eye center cicendo eye hospital
Jurnal nasional oleh Pieter Juanarta, Mohamad Rinaldi Dahlan, Andri Rezano 2017
Characteristics and predisposing factors of bacterial corneal ulcer in the national eye center,cicendo eye hospital, bandung from january to december 2011
Jurnal Nasional oleh Astrid Maharani putri, Susi Heryati, Nursiah Nasution 2015